Sunday, April 1, 2012

Whatever happened to April Fool's?

Is April Fool's Day just an occasion for school boys? Do we out-grow the recognition of April Fool's Day as we become adults? There's no easy way to celebrate April Fool's, nothing simple like putting on a green shirt for St. Patrick's Day. Which brings up another point; they say that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland which is obviously not the case. If St. Pat had driven all the snakes out of Ireland than James Joyce would have had a very different social landscape to memorialize.

I will add, it is no fun when April Fool's is on Sunday because any possible jokes and gags that might arrive at work are abandoned. Hopefully regular, foolish, postings will resume soon.


  1. I just couldn't think of anything clever to do, heh. As for St. Patrick's Day, in my house incorporate a type of prank-playing Leprechaun that also comes in and seeds chaos. So it's kind of like two holidays in one.

    I like adding my own flavor to holidays and then pass that along to my kids, though the missus is trying to draw the line at Santa's cabal of good witches that watch the boys and girls through their crystal balls year-round.

  2. Thanks for the comments Mik. Work has been keeping me away from the blog o sphere and even kept me away from the gaming table last week. Perhaps, now, I'm reaching a more even keel?
    I hope to be at the pub on April 12 if you guys can get away from the Monster Master.
