The Dandelion Ale is bottled now. I think it's going to be okay. Even if it turns out sour, it may be a palatable sour ale. I was very happy with the Blonde Ale which I used as the base recipe for the Dandelion Ale. I will continue to brew it and design other beers around it.
The Dandelion Ale was bottled on Friday, June 20. I will let it age for two weeks before sampling it. But, what about the Dry Hopped Bud Light experiment?
I used Natural Light, 'cause really, what is the difference in Bud Light and Natural Light? I had, from right to left, Cascade whole hops, Willamette pellets, Cascade pellets, Hallertau pellets and Northern Brewer pellets. All the individual hops flavors here present in the Natural Light except the whole Cascade hops. This one still tasted like Natural Light and I poured it out.
Willamette: True to style, the Willamette presented very subtle, floral flavors. I got the impression this would be a good hop for wheat beers.
Cascade: This one is a bit chalky from the sediment of the hops pellets and has a pepper like heat. The alpha acids are not as pronounced as I had anticipated but it was certainly more hoppy, and full bodied, than a Natural Light. I will spike the next batch with a bit more Cascade.
Hallertau: I can smell the hops presence and it is quite unlike N.L. The Hallertau increases the Pils credibility of the N.L. by providing European Pils flavors. There is also a hint of wheat beer flavor. Overall, it is subtle and flora.
Northern Brewer: These pellets broke up and spread all through the beer. The initial impression is very chalky with lots of alpha acids. Much more citrus alpha acid than I had expected from Northern Brewer. Obvious hops aroma and fruity, alpha acid heat flavors.
I intend to do this test again with different types of hops. Next time, I believe I will use a cheap cerveza as the base beer and spike them with Czech and German hops.
The next batch I will be brewing is Charlie P's Wise Ass Red Bitter, from the Complete Joy of Home Brewing.