Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eulogy for a domestic pet

Warning: Sad Content Follows

 How do we eulogize a pet, how do we eulogize anyone? Our pets are friends and family and certainly earn their share of emotional attachment. So, the loss of any pet is not easy or pleasant to discuss but, invariably, as with much of life's unpleasantness, these things must be discussed.

Thus, I share with you all the passing of our FRI family cat  from this mortal coil. It seems he, Pal, developed cancer. Pal was a rescue cat and I am certain that his short life was much more pampered and joyful than any enjoyed by his litter mates. He met and loved many people during his short life and was known by many who had never met him.

In the words of Johnny Allen Hendrix, "Fly on my sweet angle. Fly on through the night."

2005 -- 3.24.2012

If he were still with us he would give me the very look in the photo, as if to say, "get on with your beer writing funny man."


  1. Sad. Losing an animal member of your family is not easy.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I still miss Pal a bit, I know he enjoyed his brief life with us.

  3. I just saw this, I'm sorry to hear it, my condolences.

  4. Thanks Mik, the ol' boy is a pleasant memory now. I have since found another stay cat who resembles Pal, I should introduce her as the new F.R.I. family cat.
